It was so hot, in fact, that when Jen, Sonia and I got on a tram, a girl (who I think was a MacRob chick but I can’t be sure) remarked,” It’s so hot in here!” To my usual self, I said half loud enough to hear, “That would be because of me.” The girl looked at me and then said, “Yeah probably.” Then again, Garvey wasn’t sounding very confident). There isn’t much to say, except congratulations to everyone, we did fantastic (the official result comes out tomorrow but I think we’ve managed to pull in first again. Okay, so one more category tagged for School haha. Lots of good input here.Today was the final assembly for my school life, ever. Plenty of legacy systems still existing around a Vblock. Maybe someday there will be a 100% Vblock data-center, but not today. Vblock goes into the data-center and solves one or several of those problems, as a solution.
What we're seeing from customers is that Vblock gets ordered when the customer (a) has a greenfield opportunity, (b) an upgrade opportunity, (c) a new IT area rollout, or (d) management wants to "encourage" their IT staff to act more integrated (instead of silo'd). That doesn't prevent a customer from wrapping V/C/E pieces around legacy HP servers that are still under maintenance agreements in the short-term, but we believe that Cisco UCS is seeing excellent traction in the marketplace going forward.ĥ - There is this misperception that Vblock gets ordered and everything else in your data-center goes away. It adds additional management layers (complexity) and support layers. We thought we were being flexible enough by positioning it as "preconfigured resources", but expect that to change rapidly based on market demand.Ĥ - You won't see Vblock solutions that include HP servers as we don't believe the value of the solution is still there for customers. Have we explained that well - NO.ģ - To my previous point, as much as some technical people have complained that Vblock restricts their technical choices, more have actually complained that we haven't been prescriptive enough about all those solutions above. Can it solve Multi-Tenancy, VDI, Tier-1 App migration, MS-Apps consolidation, IaaS problems - YES. People might not believe this, since almost every data-center conversation I hear about or read about starts with VCE or Vblock, but I believe that we haven't done a good enough job yet of articulating the Vblock solution. Ordering, support, 3rd-party integration, etc.Ģ - Your comments about "how it's been positioned" are spot on. I understand that some people want to make the distinction about the storage component, but it's actually about the overall level of commitment to the entire solution. Couple points of clarification:ġ - It's not "EMC Vblock", it's "VCE Vblock". That's what customers were asking for, and we listened - it's where we get our best ideas -)Īaron - Nice write-up as always. We wanted to enable ISVs and partners to build on top of that foundation, instead of 'playing with plumbing'. Our intention was for vBlock to be an additional offering (think of it as prix fixe option) that simplified application deployment, and improved solution time to value for our customers. eLab testing, and solutions designs with other vendors). That enables greater utilization of the data center, instead of optimizing a design that will have a lower utilization (e.g x% more efficient, but y% less utilized).ĮMC & Cisco still support 'build your own' or 'a la carte' architectures with the same level of support and investment (e.g. We found that we were developing everything from the ground up - but in the end, it would be of greater value to abstract the foundational HW/SW layers, and concentrate on developing best practices for application deployment. An example is the SAP announcement - see
application templates for Exchange, SAP, etc) based on generic building blocks that are differentiated by software functionality, not hardware. Our intention was to make end-to-end reference architectures (i.e.
Interesting analogy, since Phil Harris & I are both Mac users.